Who we are
Rights and Responsibility
Person-Centred Supports Policy and Participant Service Charter of Rights
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission aims to uphold the rights of people with disabilities, including the right to dignity and respect, and to live free from abuse, exploitation, and to live free from abuse, exploitation, and violence; this is in keeping with Australia’s commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Our organisation has used this statement as the basis of our policy.
The purpose of this policy is to empower people with disabilities to exercise choice and control in the support services they receive while ensuring appropriate protections are in place; and building the capacity of people with disabilities, their families, and their carers to make informed decisions about National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers.
This policy applies to all Staff and participants. It’s aimed at informing participants of their rights.
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. will provide supports that promotes, upholds and respects individual rights to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making.
The Participant Service Charter outlines the rights of participants, how participants will be treated and the obligations of Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd.. This charter also sets out participant responsibilities and how they can provide feedback on any aspect of the service.
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. takes a person-centred, evidence-based approach to any services that we provide where the participant, family or their advocate/s is primary to any decisions made.
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. exists to work with our participants, their advocates, family members and other service providers, as relevant, to provide the services to meet our participants’ needs, within the scope of our services.
We will provide support and work with other community groups or education programs directly, or in partnership with other services. Information regarding our services is located on our website, Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. or by asking a Staff member.
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. will work with other groups, services and programs, either directly or in partnership, to ensure the provision of relevant supports.
Our Service Charter of Rights will be provided to participants in an Easy Read Participant Handbook using simple terminologies such as your rights, your responsibilities and our responsibilities.
Charter of Rights
Participants’ rights
Participants have many individual rights. We understand these rights and work towards informing, supporting and assisting participants to achieve their goals and exercise their rights. Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. adopts a policy of non-discrimination in the provision of our support services to individuals and the eligibility and entry to these services.
Participants have the right to:
- access supports that promote, uphold and respect their legal and human rights
- exercise informed choice and control
- freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making
- access supports that respect culture, diversity, values and beliefs
- access a service that respects their dignity and right to privacy
- support access to make informed choices to maximise their independence
- access supports free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination
- receive supports which are overseen by strong operational management
- access services which are safeguarded by caring carers who work within a well-managed risk and incident management system
- receive services from workers who are competent, qualified and have expertise in providing person-centred supports
- consent to the sharing of information between providers during transition periods
- select to opt-out of providing information, as required by NDIS.
Participants’ responsibilities
Participants using our support services have responsibilities to Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd.. We ask that they:
- respect the rights of our Staff to ensure a workplace that is safe, healthy and free from harassment
- abide by the terms of their agreement with us
- understand that their needs may change and, correspondingly, services provided may need to change to meet their needs
- accept responsibility for their actions and choices, even though some decisions may involve risk
- inform us if they have any problems with our staff or the services received
- share appropriate information to develop, deliver and review their support plan
- care for their health and wellbeing (as much as they’re able to)
- provide information that will help us better meet their needs
- provide us with a minimum of 24-hours’ notice if they won’t be home for their service
- understand that our staff are only authorised to perform the agreed number of hours and tasks outlined in their service agreement
- contribute and participate in the safety assessments of their home
- control pets during service provision
- provide a smoke-free working environment
- pay the agreed amount for the services provided
- inform us in writing (where able) and provide appropriate notice before terminating our service
- advise our staff, when asked, if they wish to opt-out of a service.
Participant’s right to provide feedback
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. values all feedback, positive and negative. We ask participants to speak up and not be silent; we want to know when a service has been exceptional or when individuals are not happy with service received or they believe they have not been fairly treated.
Feedback can be provided in the following ways, including:
- completing a Complaints and Feedback Form
- talking directly to a Staff
- asking to speak to a more senior manager or supervisor
- contacting the office via the phone
- contacting us anonymously.
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. will resolve complaints openly, honestly and quickly. We will acknowledge the complaint by providing a response within one (1) working day. (See our Complaints and Feedback Policy and Procedure for further details).
If not satisfied with the resolution of a complaint, we recommend individuals contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677.
Alternatively, individuals can lodge a complaint via the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website. To view go to forms.business.gov.au/smartforms
NDIS Code of Conduct
Our team will provide supports or services to participants and quality service to participants, their family and advocate. To enable us to do this, we request that all participants:
- provide complete and accurate information about themselves and their situation
- explain any changes in their health
- inform their Staff if they can’t keep an appointment or commitment
- complete consent forms so that we can work with an advocate (if applicable)
- act respectfully and safely towards other people using the service and towards our front-line Staff
- provide feedback about the service and advise how services could be improved
- report back to us if unhappy with our services, or if there is any matter of concern.
Our commitment to participants
Dignified Disability Care Pty Ltd. takes a strengths-based, person-centred, holistic approach to care and support, where the participant or their advocate is primary to the decision-making process. Our team will ensure that services are managed with respect and in consultation with participants. When dealing with our stakeholders, we will:
- treat people with respect
- treat individuals courteously, fairly and without discrimination
- inform participants of their rights and responsibilities through our orientation process, Easy Read documents and handbooks
- protect personal information
- involve participants in any decisions regarding the services they access
- assist participants in connecting with other services, if needed
- inform how to provide feedback on our services
- ensure participant safety and undertake practices that prevent injury
- assist participants in accessing and using our services
- comply with signed service agreements
- inform participants of their rights and responsibilities
- arrange for an interpreter or other language services, if required
- respect individual views, opinions, personal circumstances and cultural diversity
- provide advice and options regarding other supports and services that may be available
- ensure staff have the appropriate skills and competencies to meet participants needs
- treat everybody with dignity, fairness and respect, without discrimination or victimisation
- advise how complaints can be made and provide information on how we will respond to that complaint
- provide support and care that recognises and acknowledges individual preferences, choices, interests and capability
- support the right for participants to receive quality care in an appropriate environment which promotes participation
- provide services that meet, or exceed, relevant industry standards such as the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators, NDIS Rules, and their Charter of Rights.
Related documents
- Complaints and Feedback Form
- Complaints and Feedback Policy and Procedure
- Easy Read Participant Handbook
- NDIS Code of Conduct Rules 2018
- NDIS (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018
- NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators 2020
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Privacy Policy
Dignified Disability Care is committed to protecting the privacy of an individual’s personal information. The following sets out how we aim to protect the privacy of your personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information managed by us, and the way we collect, use and disclose your personal information.
In handling your personal information, we will comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and with the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act.
We have policies and procedures in place to ensure that:
- personal information is managed in an open and transparent way
- the privacy of personal information of participants and staff are protected
- we collect and handle personal information fairly
- personal information we collect is used and disclosed for legally permitted purposes only
- we regulate access to and correction of personal information
- we maintain the confidentiality of personal information through appropriate storage and security.
The kinds of information we collect
Consumer personal information is collected to provide care and services. Personal information we collect could include your:
- name, address, telephone number and email address
- date of birth
- gender
- advocate or emergency contact’s telephone number and email
- health information
- diversity status (ethnicity, lifestyle preferences).
How we collect personal information
Participant personal information may be collected from:
- you, the participant
- your family members or significant others
- your advocate
- your doctor or other service providers or facilities.
We will collect personal information directly from you unless:
- we have your consent to collect the information from someone else
- we are required or authorised by law to collect the information from someone else
- it is unreasonable or impractical to do so.
You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us; although you should be advised that this may impact on our capacity to provide services.
Purpose of collecting personal information
Personal information is collected for the purposes of providing care and services. The information may be used to:
- provide support services
- enable service providers and medical practitioners to provide care and services
Disclosure of personal information
We may disclose your personal and health information, for the purpose of your care and services, to:
- service providers who assist us in providing care and services, medical practitioners, external health agencies such as the ambulance service, hospitals, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and other relevant government organisations
- a person you have nominated as being your advocate, e.g. parent, child or sibling, spouse, a relative, a member of your household, a guardian, an enduring power of attorney, or a person you have nominated to be contacted in case of emergency, provided they are at least 18 years of age.
We may not use or disclose personal information for a purpose other than providing care and services, unless:
- you have consented
- the purpose is related to providing care and services, and you would reasonably expect disclosure of the information for that purpose
- we believe on reasonable grounds that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to your life, health or safety or a serious threat to public health or public safety
- we have reason to suspect unlawful activity and disclosure is required or authorised by law.
We will not disclose your personal information to an overseas recipient.
Security of personal information
We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold is protected against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We hold personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises and on secure, cloud-based technology, accessible only by our authorised staff.
Accessing the personal information that we hold about you
Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access your personal information that is collected and held by us. If at any time you would like to access or change the personal information that we hold about you, or you would like more information on our approach to privacy, please contact us.
To obtain access to your personal information, you will have to provide us with proof of identity. We will take all reasonable steps to provide access to your personal information within seven (7) days from your request.
Employee information
Records of current and past employees which are related to the employment relationship are managed in accordance with workplace laws. Privacy laws may apply to employee personal information if the information is used for something that is not related to the employment relationship between our organisation and the employee.
Volunteer records
Personal information collected and held by us in relation to our volunteers will be managed in accordance with the Privacy Act.
Privacy data breaches
In the event that your personal information is lost, stolen or subject to unauthorised access or disclosure, we will implement our Management of Data Breach Policy and Procedure.
Privacy complaints
All complaints regarding privacy can be lodged via our complaint-handling process.
At all times, privacy complaints will:
- be treated seriously
- be dealt with as promptly as possible
- be dealt with in a confidential manner
- not affect your existing obligations or affect the commercial arrangements between you and us.
You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint following the completion of the investigation.